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TaI-fu N Fellow TravelerS Page: 4

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[Mark's Mp3.cOm PaGe]
OK and here we go Mark Ivan AkA Chojin! This man has single handily supported me and most of my friends DJ careers! In my opinion he does not get the respect he deserves. Now this could be because of pulling shit like he did with the Halloween Island party ? But I believe it is because of different story 1 of ignorance and selfishness and this is why he is unappreciated! It seems some think that what he doesn't do ...adds up to what he has done? I don't agree and If you are reading this and he has helped you in anyway. Next time you see him try to forget about what you think you deserve and see what you were given and let him know your grateful for anything he or anybody for that matter has done for you. BTW It's the way it works "I can't get by without a little help from my friends." I am grateful and if he does not know it.. I am very grateful for what you have done for me..your a true friend!! = ) ! Ok enough of all that sissy stuff on with the show...This man does not stop.. DJ. promoter producer..just all around Prodigy! Up and down the East coast this guy has rawked shit from Limelight in New York to groove jet south beach FL. He is quickly advancing his music and computer engineering skills so look out for his site. On there will be his music and more info! This is his momentary site @ check it out
Mark's PaGe you can also get a hold of him by email or by his ICQ number. His email is also the name of his record label and production company btw and his ICQ number is 49905942