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TaI-fu N Fellow TravelerS Page: 2

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[ChEcK oUt MaRcelle's MuSiC!]
Smooth Groove is JaH way He MoVeS! 2 dah Rhythm he catches the FloW always FuNkin up sh@t with his mellow tempo! ThaZ the way he kicks it Yah Know! This is my 4 ever faithful side kick Marcelle. We have been through Much and he knows me well. If you don't know him you should. There are some lynx on my lynx page where you can further indulge in his music and art work. Actually here is a link 2 his music go check it out "Now"!
Marcelle's music Or you can go to his art page
Marcelle's art page 4 further Info give him a shout by email or by ICQ. His email is and his ICQ number is 44323685!