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TaI-fu N Fellow TravelerS Page: 11

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This is Tamara.. A friend I met some time ago and have kept in contact with. She keeps her self pretty busy though. So we do not always get to talk very often. But of course I always keep her in my thoughts and sit back in amazment as she grows. It is completely satisfying to see someone take life as she does and mold it into a promising educational as well as creative future. No, I do not get to tell her often or ever actually. But I think she is pretty amazing and her skills are mind-blowing to me! How she does it I just do not know? But as always my hat does go off to you. OK now since there is so much going on with this talented young woman. I am going to turn the key board over to her and let her spit it out rude girl style in a basic 1 2 3 Form! Ready ..? Set..? Go!
Who-? DJ Tamara
Age-? 23
What-? Jungle/Drum&Bass mostly, and after that whatever I want
Where -? Seattle WA
Quote - ? "Some musicians continue to feel that electronic instruments are
gimmicks and toys. As for me, I never consider any instrument in the
category of no value in the composer's world of creation." -Sun Ra, 1970
Contact Info-? 206.281.7806
"Tamara's info"
Affiliations- RFA, GTRadio, Organic, NSMM
Residencies- Organic: fridays at the Art Bar in Seattle, also Tuesdays on
Groovetech 8-10 pst
Wu-Tang Name: Bent Killa Queen
Current Residencies: Tuesdays on Groovetech worldwide, Fridays at the Art Bar
Addictions: Vinyl, Artichoke-Jalapeno dip, Orchestral Scores, Gingerbread Men
Favorite Labels: Moving Shadow/Audio Couture, Thermal, Pneuma, Sound
Sphere, Formation, Fuze
Favorite Producers: Pieter K, UFO!, Teebee, E-Sassin, Tech Itch, A-Sides,
Dom & Roland
Places Played: Seattle, Olympia, random wilderness areas, Portland, LA,
Omaha, St.Paul, Vegas, Reno, Fresno, Berkeley, Red Rocks, New York,
Brooklyn, Calgary, Vancouver, Eugene, Utah, Ohio, Virginia... I think
that's it.
Yet to Conquer: The South- Texas, Florida, New Orleans especially.
Toronto. Hong Kong, Japan. South America. Brazil. Europe.
