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TaI-fu N Fellow TravelerS Page: 1

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[ChEcK oUt My MuSiC!]

This would be the maker of the site! The one that has not shut up yet. The one that suggests that life can be beautiful! If only you just not take it so seriously and try to make it a better place. And even then don't take it so seriously just let your heart lead the way not your ego or selfishness! All and all just try to do on to others as you would like done on to yourself. Perfectly simple appreciate and respect yourself and all the people and things in it! Key point in doing this try to be honest try to get down to the purest form of respect and appreciation.. no short cutz eh! lol This person would be Me N I'm MattHew AkA TaI/|\Fu. If your interested check my music out @ {My PaGe!} And now without further delay "on wit dah show!